Is Frappe a solution for all the Enterprise related Software?

Kumar Abhinav
4 min readMar 5, 2023


Let’s find out after installation of Frappe and some famous app on frappe.


ERPNext is a popular open-source ERP system built on the Frappe Framework. In this article, we will walk through the steps to install ERPNext Version 14 on Ubuntu 22.04. We will cover the necessary software and hardware prerequisites, user setup, package installation, and the setup of the Frappe Bench environment.

Frappe Version 14: Frappe is the underlying framework that powers ERPNext. It is also an open-source platform that provides tools and libraries for developing web applications. Frappe Version 14 is the latest version of the Frappe framework that was released in 2021.

Chat: In the context of ERPNext, “Chat” refers to the integrated chat feature that allows users to communicate with each other within the ERPNext system. This feature helps to improve collaboration and communication between team members.

Frappe Drive: Frappe Drive is a desktop sync client that allows users to synchronize files between their local computer and the cloud storage used by ERPNext. With Frappe Drive, users can access their ERPNext files offline and make changes that will automatically sync with the cloud when they reconnect to the internet.

HR: HR stands for Human Resources. In the context of ERPNext, the HR module provides functionality for managing employee data, tracking employee attendance, and managing payroll. It is designed to help organizations streamline their HR processes and improve their workforce management.

Update and Upgrade Packages

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Install Required Packages

To ensure smooth operation of software like ERPNext, which is built on the Frappe Framework, it is necessary to install a set of packages. This step involves installing these required packages.

Install GIT

sudo apt-get install git

Install Python

ERPNext version 14 requires Python version 3.10+

sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3.10-dev python3-setuptools python3-pip python3-distutils

Install Python Virtual Environment

A virtual environment provides a means to manage dependencies for a software application in a single location without affecting other sections of the computer or server where the software is running. This isolated environment helps to prevent conflicts between different software packages and versions, ensuring that the application runs smoothly and reliably.

sudo apt-get install python3.10-venv

Install Software Properties Common

Software Properties Common will help in repository management.

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

Install MariaDB

ERPNext is designed to natively run on the MariaDB database management system.

sudo apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client

Install Redis Server

sudo apt-get install redis-server

Install other packages

ERPNext functionality also relies on other packages we will install in this step. These will load fonts, PDFs, and other resources to our instance.

sudo apt-get install xvfb libfontconfig wkhtmltopdf
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev

Configure MYSQL Server

Setup the server

sudo mysql_secure_installation

When you run this command, the server will show the following prompts. Please follow the steps as shown below to complete the setup correctly.

  • Enter current password for root: (Enter your SSH root user password)
  • Switch to unix_socket authentication [Y/n]: Y
  • Change the root password? [Y/n]: Y
    It will ask you to set new MySQL root password at this step. This can be different from the SSH root user password.
  • Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] Y
  • Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n]: N
    This is set as N because we might want to access the database from a remote server for using business analytics software like Metabase / PowerBI / Tableau, etc.
  • Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n]: Y
  • Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n]: Y

Edit MYSQL default config file

sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Add the following block of code exactly as is:

character-set-client-handshake = FALSE
character-set-server = utf8mb4
collation-server = utf8mb4_unicode_ci
default-character-set = utf8mb4

Restart the MYSQL Server

sudo service mysql restart

Instal CURL, Node, NPM and Yarn

Install CURL

sudo apt install curl

Install Node

curl | bash
source ~/.profile
nvm install 16.15.0

Install NPM

sudo apt-get install npm

Install Yarn

sudo npm install -g yarn

Install Frappe Bench

sudo pip3 install frappe-bench

Initialize Frappe Bench

bench init --frappe-branch version-14 frappe-bench

Switch directories into the Frappe Bench directory

cd frappe-bench

Create a New Site

A site is a requirement in ERPNext, Frappe and all the other apps we will be needing to install. We will create the site in this step.

bench new-site

Install ERPNext V14, Frappe V14, Frappe Chat, Frappe Drive and HR

The first app we will download is the payments app. This app is required when setting up ERPNext.

bench get-app payments

Next, we will download ERPNext app

bench get-app --branch version-14 erpnext

Next, we will download Chat app

bench get-app chat

Next, we will download Drive app

bench get-app

Next, we will download HR app

bench get-app hrms

Install all the apps on our site

bench --site [site-name] install-app erpnext
bench --site [site-name] install-app drive
bench --site [site-name] install-app chat
bench --site [site-name] install-app hrms

Start Bench

bench start

Setting ERPNext for Production

Enable Scheduler

bench --site enable-scheduler

Disable maintenance mode

bench --site set-maintenance-mode off

Setup production config

sudo bench setup production deepak

Setup NGINX to apply the changes

bench setup nginx

Restart Supervisor and Launch Production Mode

sudo supervisorctl restart all
sudo bench setup production deepak

If you are prompted to save the new/existing config file, respond with a Y in all of the options.

Now you can able to see site at

Installing SSL Certificate

sudo certbot --nginx

Press Enter on first Prompt and use 1 on second Promt.

Now you can able to see site at

Thank You.

Note: If you follow the tutorial with paitence it never produce error else there will be possibility of Error you can Contact me at for any Error solution or visit ERPNext and Frappe Fourm.



Kumar Abhinav
Kumar Abhinav

Written by Kumar Abhinav

My passion for software lies with dreaming up ideas and making them come true with elegant interfaces. I am a 4th year B.Tech (Information Technology) Student.

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